"Finally someone agrees with me, when it comes to Donnie Darko that is :)"

"Well, yeah most of them ;) But of course, there are SOME of them, like in the USA, that thinks he is OK, Just OK not really good... Then Again, this is the minority of the people here in Norway - I wo"

"Quarantine is an american remake from [REC]! That itself is terrible!"

"DonVito: Takk for det! Var litt herlig å slå rekken med dobbelt så mye, men må nok skuffe med nokså lite filmtitting framover, siden jeg skal jobbe... BadSmile: Ja, du får ta rekorden på vin"

"Ganske bra å ha sett 52 på en måned :p Selv har jeg sett 69 nå! Kommer til å legge ut en blogg om det på FilmByen ;P + en liste her kanskje?"

"What about it? I think it's a bit overrated! Good performance by the actors, good work from the director, but I didn't think that the movie was freeking awesome..."

"I also think Den Siste Revejakta and Død Snø (Dead Snow) should be here! :P"